Friday, May 27, 2005

Uh-Oh... Don't Anger the Hammer

DeLay is P.O'd at Law and order making a reference to DeLay's call to make judges "answer for their behavior." last night Law & Order made reference to DeLay when a judge had been killed, but suspects were few.

"Maybe we should put out an APB [all points bulletin] for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt," says Detective Alexandra Eames, played by Kathryn Erbe, after a black appellate court judge is killed.

Maybe DeLay should have thought a little longer before calling for the reckoning in the first place.

"I can only assume last night's slur was in response to comments I have made in the past about the need for Congress to closely monitor the federal judiciary, as prescribed in our constitutional system of checks and balances. I have explained all such comments — even those inartfully made and taken out of context — on numerous occasions, including with representatives of your network."

If that was what DeLay had actually said, I could see how he could be mad, but what he did say was, "The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior." I saw the live news conference. It sounded even worse live, then it does in print.

But, DeLay is sure to try to use this as a diversion from the fact that a judge just found his PAC to be violating the law.

DeLay Blasts 'Law & Order'

But wait, there's more:

DeLay wrote Thursday to NBC president Jeff Zucker, accusing them "of reckless and irresponsible behavior." Maybe Delay should have called the behavior "inartfull" instead:

"Last night's brazen lack of judgment represents a failure of stewardship of our public airwaves and as much evidence as anyone needs for the embarrassing state of the mainstream media's credibility,"

Are you freaking kidding me. I now understand why conservatives think there is such a problem with the main stream media... They can't tell the difference between a fictional TV show and news. Listen up people, Will & Grace are not co-anchors of the evening news. Ray Ramono is not a White House correspondent.

The producer of Law & Order did have a nice comeback letter though

"Up until today, it was my impression that all of our viewers understood that these shows are works of fiction," he said. "But I do congratulate Congressman DeLay for switching the spotlight from his own problems to an episode of a TV show."

DeLay mad over NBC drama that mentions him

1 comment:

Michele said...

Of course Will and Grace are not co-anchors of television news. I think everyone knows the difference between fictional and real news.

The former being Newsweek and the latter being The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

But what do I know, I am still in shock that Law and Order is not real?