Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Oh, Really?

This article was in the Daily Standard. Now, the right claims that the Democrats lost because we are out of touch with main stream America. I disagree with that. I think it was due to a much more complex set of circumstances, but this article shows that the Republicans (at least some) are as out of touch as the Democrats... or, if the author's assertions are true, I am not sure how proud I would be of them.

Next to President Bush, few things anger liberals more than Wal-Mart and Detroit's Big Three automakers. The liberal intelligentsia views Wal-Mart as the most frightening force in corporate America because it maintains a non-union workforce. The Big Three are scorned because they make trucks and SUVs that consume copious amounts of gasoline. Liberals believe America would be a much better country if more of us drove Toyota Priuses to Whole Foods each week instead of hopping into Ford F-150s to get our groceries at Wal-Mart.

Trent Wisecup believes the Dems lost because we angered the SUV/Wal-Mart crowd. And that real Americans want to drive pickup and SUVs in order to shop at Wal-Mart. Is this really what the Republican party is pushing? And if so, why? Yes, I would prefer Americans to drive hybrid cars (I would prefer Ford or GM than Toyota, but that is besides the point). Why would I prefer Americans driving SUVs? Give me one single good reason. Gas guzzling SUVs are a detriment to our national security and our economy. The more we rely on imported oil, the worst off we are as a country.

For one thing, they tend to try to kill us over there in the Middle East. But, if we don't get oil from the Middle East, we don't have to protect our supply of it with American troops.

For another thing, 30% of our 54 billion dollar trade debt is because of imported oil. That would mean we would be keeping 16 billion dollars at home instead of sending it to countries that hate us. So, yes, I do dislike SUVs and pickups. If you need one because you are a farmer or other work, then knock yourself out and buy what you need. You won't hear any complaints from me. But too many Americans don't need them. I know way too many people who won't even drive them in the snow because they are afraid of getting them dinged up. For the average American, my car does just fine. It was made here in America, has the lay down back seats so I can fit larger objects in when I need to, and get 34 miles to the gallon.

Ok, now Wal-Mart:

Wal-Mart is the world's largest corporation for a reason. One hundred million Americans shop at its stores to benefit from its everyday low prices. A working family can save more than $500 a year at Wal-Mart on groceries alone.

Yes, Wal-Mart saves people money. But that is not why I dislike Wal-Mart. I dislike Wal-Mart because what it has done to Main Street America. When I was in college, I had an internship which took me to every small town in Wisconsin to meet with farmers and small business owners. One of the things I cannot forget is how much everyone hated Wal-Mart because it was killing their towns. It put mom and pop stores out of business. I remember one general store owner who told me that Wal-Mart was selling the same kids bike for less than he could even buy it from the wholesaler. People in Middle America don't shop at Wal-Mart because the want to. They shop there because they have to. More than one person admitted that they did shop at Wal-Mart, but they felt so guilty about it that they would not admit it to neighbors and friends. That was 10 years ago and Wal-Mart has taken hold and there is no turning back. But Mr. Wisecup, please don't claim Wal-Mart is Middle America because you couldn't be more wrong. Yes, American's save a lot of needed money by shopping there, but we have lost a lot at the same time.

So, if Americans really want to be dependant on the Middle East and all its problems and want to put small mom and pop shops out of business, then you are right, the Democrats didn't do a very good marketing job. But, I don't believe that, and I think you are out of touch with what Americans really want, also.

H/T International Rock City

1 comment:

SC&A said...

Good post, thoughtful and on point. Still any way you cut it, the Dems have soul searching to do- in the end, not a bad thing.

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