Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Where the Right is Wrong

In a Blog titled Why Barack Obama Won’t be President, Adam Yoshida shows how he, a conservative blogger, has no moral decency or general ethics, but at least he is honest about his dishonesty and posts it on his blog. Adam shows no shame by spreading rumors he doesn't even think are true.

"And, while I’m at it, I’ll also ad that there are (unconfirmed) rumours that Obama himself is secretly a Muslim. Now, I don’t believe them but, if Obama ever runs for President, I won’t mind spreading them."

First, it should make no difference if Obama was Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddist, or any other religion. Just like it should make no difference if the president is a man or a woman, black or white, Asian or Hispanic. An American in an American.

Second, what also disturbs me is that I have had many good discussions with conservative bloggers out there. While I don't agree with many conservative positions, I respect those who are open to constructive discourse. Adam sullies the name of those conservatives who actually do want to build a better nation and can see beyond hate. Adam - Check out Political Musings or The Left Ain't Right to see how other conservative bloggers can get their points across without spreading lies.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug. Yoshi is a smart kid who gets a little over excited at times. He's also Canuck which may contribute to some of the bravado.


Dingo said...

Good to see you have your computer back Chris.