Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kerry Concedes

It is officially over... I am tired... I only hope that Bush will use his second term to try to heal wounds instead of create new ones. I hope he will govern from the center instead of the fringe. I hope he will realize that we cannot spend the fortunes of future generations for immediate gratification. I hope that he realizes that one out of every two Americans do not agree with how things are going and that he will not snub us like he has done for the last 4 years. I hope... I hope... I hope...


Anonymous said...

Do you honestly believe that Bush will even try to get our allies of the world back behind us? He now believes he has a mandate from the people to rule the way he wants. After all the many negative thing I've said about John Kerry the one thing he does get credit for is his foresight.


Dingo said...

No, I don't think there is a chance that he will. He is too arrogant. His speach in Canada today says it all. It was a dream... just a fleeting dream.