Wednesday, March 16, 2005

ANWAR Floor Debate

The ANWAR vote is comming up at 1pm. I have just found out that the majority of the oil produced at ANWAR will be exported, not kept in the US. Thats right folks. The oil will be going to China instead of staying here to reduce gas prices.


SC&A said...

For real?

What's the rationale behind that? And the source of that info?

Dingo said...

I was listening to the floor debates in the senate. The oil goes on the open market and the presidents own economic advisers report that due to the rise in china's oil consumption, more oil will go overseas than will stay in the US. So, this makes the impact on the market even less negligable than reported. The impact is on the world markets, not US.

Anonymous said...

And what's so incredibly damn stupid about this whole thing is that estimates from the Sierra Club to the evidently big-oil backed folks show that fully tapping ANWR would only provide enough oil (best case) to last the U.S. about a year to a year and half! And it would take 10 years before we saw a drop of that oil anyways!

It would not reduce our dependence on foreign oil by any appreciable margin for any appreciable time.

As I heard someone opine on MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) today, the Republicans operate from a "supply-side" mentality (just find more oil), while the Dems are preaching the demand side (let's find ways to reduce our dependence). Hmmmmm, I wonder if it's because searching for more oil here would provide a temporary boost to the oil industry folks and the local economy (emphasis on temporary)? No, that's just too cynical of me...